
How and Why of Love....a prelude

  This is a random off the wall thought these days. Why are you here ?
Let's break this down. WHY are you here? Are you here to...
1. help or be helped.
2. serve or be served
3.provide or be provided for
4. encourage or be encouraged
5. Are you here to love or be loved? 

We can do any of these with out the other. Or can we?
  1. I can help without being helped.
  2. I can serve without being served.
  3. I can provide without being provided for.
  4. I can encourage without being encouragement.

   5. But can I truly love without being loved?
No. I don't think so. I can try to love someone, I can put on the air of love. I can try to stick it out because I, myself, believe it is love. But there will come a time, a brief instance, when I will no longer love.

   Why? Love is hard work. To love and not be the recipient of love is unbearable, undignified. Mostly, we find it a waste of our time. To love without being loved. It hurts, cuts us deep. Makes us feel used, unworthy, abandoned and desolate. It becomes burdensome, too heavy to carry around.
   Most people have heard the expression, 'I can't live without your love.' Yes, yes you can.
Love shouldn't be the cause of death. Love is the introduction to life. Yet, there seems to be a fine line. Again I ask why.
 1 John 4:19
We love Him because He first loved us.
Now that seems unfair to God, doesn't it?  In order to love God, He had to love us first. Why? Love is about sacrifice. We're not about to put ourselves on the line for anyone. Not even our Creator. We need proof that we're not wasting our time. How sad is that?

Not only did God love us first, He loved us foremost. (God is the first in the order of Love. God outranks any form of love we can offer.)

1 John 4:11
Beloved, if God so loved us, we also ought to love one another.
We have not only been loved, but we're commanded to love as well. God's love is boundless. There's no limit to the quantity or quality of God's love. So why should we harbor our love for one another. Bathe yourself in His love and share it with others. If you have the Love of God, then you have love to go around. Love should have no respecter of persons. (love for others is not influenced by their rank, power or wealth. I love you as much as I love the man on the corner asking for a handout.)
1 John 3:18
My little children, let us not love in word or in tongue, but in deed and in truth. 
Love should first be seen and then heard.
Your honesty and show of love will last a lifetime, where as words become faded, easily forgotten. Not only by the person they are spoken to, but also by the speaker.

Romans 5:8
But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were still sinners, 
Christ died for us. 
In order to demonstrate true unconditional love, death befell to one man. Christ Jesus. God's only begotten son. (begotten [In the Greek: monogenes ] meaning God's own/sole son. Jesus is unique, one of a kind) 

Romans 10:9
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved.
God loves you, His son died to prove His love.Don't hold on to this fact. Share it with others. Rejoice in His love with those who understand and accept this truth and demonstrate His love to those who do not. 

This is my conclusion.
God loved us first.
God showed us how to love.
God commanded that we in turn love one another.
God provided the ultimate sacrifice (Christ) to demonstrate His love for us.
He asks that we tell others of His wonderful love.

Only God, His unconditional love with the death of His son, can save us. Save us from what? A Godless eternity. An eternity without love. 

God's word, the Holy Bible,God's love letter to you.

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Life. Life goes on whether you jump on board or not. It's like a big ship, either you stay on deck, learn to swim, grab a life jacket or become fish food. I choose to grab the life jacket. If I jump on board, then I will want to follow the crowd from fear of being tossed overboard. If I learn to swim, eventually I'll become tired and start to sink to my death. AND no one wants to be fish food!! Let's face it, after being in the water a while, you'll become all soggy and start to smell. And who's going to hand you a life jacket then? That shark that's circling you waiting for you to take your last breath and sink. SO.....I choose the life jacket. I can't do it all myself and I need help and sometimes I'm not strong enough to do it (life) on my own. So I'm going to grab my life preserver and not let go!