
the one with the most toys wins.

This was a popular saying growing up. Not only did the children in the neighborhood say this, so did their parents. Mine included. Toys consisted of anything from Match Box cars to nick knacks made of crystal. You remember the ones, in the Curio that you couldn't touch. Nor could you stand too close just in case you might trip and fall and smash the whole thing!
 For one relative it was his fish. I overfed them when I was young and yes, they died. No more toys for him, or me. :( I was grounded for a LONG time.
When we get older our toys change from small objects to larger ones. Bank accounts become our fascination. How much money do we have? How much can we make? And what can we spend it on?
Cars, boats, collectibles, electronics, gaming systems, and even clothes. You may not think 'clothing???' when you think toys. Today it's evident that we need these particular brand jeans or sneakers. And don't think of getting a crease in them. NO WAY!

In my day, toys were meant to be played with. They would get soiled, worn and torn. You didn't put them behind glass shelving. My toys made 'mud pies' with me, and I would feed them too. What a mess.
Games got broken, shoes got worn and jeans got torn. Cars were driven in the snow, rain and sleet. Boats went at high speeds and sometimes ran over buoys.

One thing you'll notice, coffins don't come in all shapes and sizes. Can't take your glass curio with you. You're allowed one set of clothing and maybe a pair of shoes. But they won't stay on you long. Where you're going you're not going to need them. Not only that, you won't miss anything.

O-over abundance of
Y-'you don't need this
S-stuff' stuff.
1 Timothy 6:7
For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.

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Life. Life goes on whether you jump on board or not. It's like a big ship, either you stay on deck, learn to swim, grab a life jacket or become fish food. I choose to grab the life jacket. If I jump on board, then I will want to follow the crowd from fear of being tossed overboard. If I learn to swim, eventually I'll become tired and start to sink to my death. AND no one wants to be fish food!! Let's face it, after being in the water a while, you'll become all soggy and start to smell. And who's going to hand you a life jacket then? That shark that's circling you waiting for you to take your last breath and sink. SO.....I choose the life jacket. I can't do it all myself and I need help and sometimes I'm not strong enough to do it (life) on my own. So I'm going to grab my life preserver and not let go!