

Ever been stuck in the middle of a disagreement among teammates, classmates or workmates? There seems to be a sound argument coming from both sides. It has been left up to you to make the final call. You would either weigh the information given or go with that gut feeling. And if that doesn’t seem right you’re left with the more persuasive of the two arguments. Isn’t that how it’s done?

Sound argument, hunches and persuasion are not always the way to go. Sometimes a rough road has to be suggested before the right decision can be discovered.

Here in 1 Kings 3, King Solomon had a dream that he asked God for wisdom. In the dream God not only gave him wisdom, he also gave him wealth and glory. When Solomon woke he offered sacrifices to the Lord.                                                                                                                                                                       Shortly after, Solomon is approached by two prostitutes. Both women live in the same house and gave birth to boys three days apart. During the night one of the woman rolled over on her child and he died.  She got up and swapped the dead son for the living son.                                                                                

 When the other woman rose to nurse her son, she saw that he was dead. Then looking closely, she realized that this boy was not her own.  

They went to King Solomon to decide who gets the living son. This wasn’t going to be simple seeing both woman lived under the same roof, each had a son a few days apart, there were no eye witnesses and it’s one woman’s word against the other.

How did King Solomon decide? Did he go on a hunch? Did he ask each woman an array of questions? Did he toss a coin or go with the more persuasive of the two?                                                                                   

1 Kings 3:23-27                                                                                                                                                          

 The king said, "What are we to do? This woman says, 'The living son is mine and the dead one is yours,' and this woman says, 'No, the dead one's yours and the living one's mine.'"

 After a moment the king said, "Bring me a sword." They brought the sword to the king. Then he said, "Cut the living baby in two—give half to one and half to the other."

The real mother of the living baby was overcome with emotion for her son and said, "Oh no, master! Give her the whole baby alive; don't kill him!"

But the other one said, "If I can't have him, you can't have him—cut away!"

The king gave his decision: "Give the living baby to the first woman. Nobody is going to kill this baby. She is the real mother."

Solomon asked for wisdom.  With wisdom there’s no picking sides or favorites. The more persuasive argument isn’t always the best choice. Wisdom seeks after the truth.  Ask God for wisdom, a wise and mature heart to discern between right and wrong.
God grant me serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.



 The economy is dragging us down, unemployment is on the rise and you’re stuck in a dead end job living paycheck to paycheck, barely making ends meet. That’s not even the worst of it, you carry the weight of the work and your boss doesn’t even like you. Talk about a black vortex of discouragement.

How many times have you found yourself in a situation surrounded by defeat?  You make the best of it, and even then the best of it doesn’t lead to the light at the end of the tunnel. There’s no hope, no end to this drudgery………..or is there?
Let me tell you of a true story about a woman who tried to make the best of it, and it just kept getting worse. She was married to a man who didn’t know her real name or her background. She lived behind rules and regulations from day to day, just to get by. Even though she was loyal to her husband and followed protocol, discouragement surrounded her.
The people closest to her husband were not made of the best character. Deception and jealousy were their guide. Soon enough, this woman learned that her family was being threatened by the very men that had influence over her husband.
What was she to do? She was the wife of a man who took no value in her opinion. She was helpless. Or was she?
Queen Esther knew there was something that had to be done. If she approached the King, she may be killed. If the King found out she was Jewish, she would be killed. After all, the order was just put in place to kill all the Jews.

Esther knew something had to be done. She fasted for three days, she and her people. She knew if she went to the King uninvited, the penalty was death. If she revealed her true identity, still, death.

Esther went to the King, confessed her background as a Jew and asked the King to change his decrees. All in all, the King had seen the deception that was done to him, granted Esther her desires and things were put right.

Esther saw that there needed to be change. In order to change a hopeless situation she needed courage. Courage comes from God. 

Ask God to bestow upon you the courage and strength to change the hopeless situation you are in.


Move on

Recently I read an article about David, King David. It’s an all too familiar story, but I feel the need to touch on it just a little.                                                 2 Samuel 12:7-14    Nathan is speaking

" You murdered Uriah the Hittite, then took his wife as your wife. Worse, you killed him with an Ammonite sword! And now, because you treated God with such contempt and took Uriah the Hittite's wife as your wife, killing and murder will continually plague your family. This is God speaking, remember! I'll make trouble for you out of your own family. I'll take your wives from right out in front of you. I'll give them to some neighbor, and he'll go to bed with them openly. You did your deed in secret; I'm doing mine with the whole country watching!"
Then David confessed to Nathan, "I've sinned against God."
Nathan pronounced, "Yes, but that's not the last word. God forgives your sin. You won't die for it. But because of your blasphemous behavior, the son born to you will die."
Wow! Now that’s a spoonful of medicine I don’t want. David is about to be a Dad, and God is going to take the baby from him. David’s son is going to die. After the baby was born, he became sick.
What does David do?  He prayed, he fasted, he cried out to God, asking Him to change His mind. David slept on the floor and didn’t eat or go out for seven days. Filled with agony and anguish, he pleaded with the Lord to save his son. But on the seventh day the boy died.
David’s servants were afraid to tell him his son had died they feared what he would do. Realizing the servants were whispering, he asked them is the boy had died. “yes”, they responded.
To their surprise…   2 Samuel 12:20  David got up from the floor, washed his face and combed his hair, put on a fresh change of clothes, then went into the sanctuary and worshiped. Then he came home and asked for something to eat. They set it before him and he ate.
21 His servants asked him, "What's going on with you? While the child was alive you fasted and wept and stayed up all night. Now that he's dead, you get up and eat."
22-23 "While the child was alive," he said, "I fasted and wept, thinking God might have mercy on me and the child would live. But now that he's dead, why fast? Can I bring him back now? I can go to him, but he can't come to me."

David knew there was nothing more he could do. David moved on. He continued forward. His behavior didn’t go on for days or weeks or months. His conversation didn’t always refer back to this day. He let go and moved on.

Have you experienced regret or loss? Did someone pass away before you could tell them you love them? Has a supposedly close friend exchange vows without telling you? Have your adult children decided you weren’t good enough for them? Has your family disowned you? Or maybe your childhood wasn’t the best, you were abused, made fun of, went through a bad divorce or you were in an accident that has altered you physically?

How many of us can’t let go or live past a certain time in our lives? Does dwelling over the past help with today? You cannot change what has happened, but you can accept what has happened and move on.

God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I can not change.


Post Day Thanksgiving Thought

I am thankful for all the blessings that God has given me. Thankful for family and friends and for every need or want that God has supplied. I am also thankful for His answers of ‘no’ to various wants in my life.

NO. This word exudes more love to me than I had thought. How hard is it to tell our children no? Is it hard for our Father? Painfully so.

I am thankful for all of the answers of ‘no’ He has given me throughout my life. If it weren’t for his unfailing love and constant watch and care for me, I wouldn’t be standing here today.

Reflecting back on my life, I wouldn’t change a thing. There used to be times when I had wanted to go back in time and tweek something, just a little. If I had, then my life today wouldn’t be. The family I have, children, friends, none of it.

The times that I’ve gone against God’s answer of ‘no’ are the times I had always wanted to change. But through my stubbornness He has seen fit to direct me back to where I should be. Likewise, I am thankful for all the trials the he’s allowed in my life. Without these trials, I would have not experienced the loving hand of God.

NO. When used in love, it can change your life.

Remembering where I’ve been helps to keep me focused on where I want to go.

1 Peter 1:3
[ A New Life ] What a God we have! And how fortunate we are to have him, this Father of our Master Jesus! Because Jesus was raised from the dead, we've been given a brand-new life and have everything to live for, including a future in heaven—and the future starts now! God is keeping careful watch over us and the future. The Day is coming when you'll have it all—life healed and whole.

1 Peter 1:13
[ A Future in God ] So roll up your sleeves, put your mind in gear, be totally ready to receive the gift that's coming when Jesus arrives. Don't lazily slip back into those old grooves of evil, doing just what you feel like doing. You didn't know any better then; you do now. As obedient children, let yourselves be pulled into a way of life shaped by God's life, a life energetic and blazing with holiness. God said, "I am holy; you be holy."

1 Peter 1:18
Your life is a journey you must travel with a deep consciousness of God. It cost God plenty to get you out of that dead-end, empty-headed life you grew up in. He paid with Christ's sacred blood, you know. He died like an unblemished, sacrificial lamb.
And this was no afterthought. Even though it has only lately—at the end of the ages—become public knowledge, God always knew he was going to do this for you. It's because of this sacrificed Messiah, whom God then raised from the dead and glorified, that you trust God, that you know you have a future in God.



This is the week of Thanksgiving. In church this Sunday, I heard a lot of people share what they are thankful for, family, friends, career, home, vehicle, food.  There was a lot of talk about food. Now, I’ve already done a segment about food, so this isn’t the topic of discussion. It seems as though food is a common love among many people, myself included.

 This week I feel led to talk, not only for ‘what’ I am thankful for, but for whom I am thankful.

Today the Lord has impressed upon me those that have influenced my life for the better.

In previous discussions, you’ve read about my fathers. Now it’s time to share a wonderful woman with you, my stepmother Lorraine. I call her Mom.

 Lorraine is a spirited woman, although petite in stature, she is quite the firecracker, vivacious and full of life. She is as quick witted as she is quick tempered. The information and knowledge this woman has obtained throughout her life astounds me. Honestly, I don’t think there is a subject that she’s not studied or at least taken an interest in.

One memory is of the theatre, Lorraine has a passion for classical music and ballets.  We went to see ‘The Nutcracker’ when I was very young. The building was beautiful, there were staircases and balconies. Our seats were a little far off, but Lorraine had these small fancy binoculars that I could look through.  It was the first most elegant night of my life! I even remember the dress I was wearing. It was a simple brown dress that flowed when I walked. It had elastic around the waistline that hugged me and there was a teardrop opening at the neckline. I felt like a little princess in that dress.

Another memory is of her display of love, mingled with patience and understanding. Although she’s quick tempered, I don’t remember a day that she didn’t laugh. She always had a smile and a kind word, even when she was red in the face with frustration. How I had always wanted to be like her. Even though my Dad and Lorraine would sometimes have serious discussion with their voices raised, there was always laughter that softened the edges. I love to listen to their conversations, their playful banter.

Her insight was relished with a bit of silliness…. Be grateful you have hair and I hope you have ten children just like you, she would say to me when I was growing up. As I reached new age brackets, one of her favorites is, elastic waist and you’ll thank me one day.  

There is no other woman I could have poured out my heart to in those tender teen years of growing up. Not knowing who I was or what I was worth, if anything. Her tenderness and encouraging words have led me to many new discoveries, discoveries about myself and who I am.

I am grateful for her strength, her love (both tender and tough) and the ability to laugh with others and at herself. The classic style I enjoy in music and love for the arts is directly influenced by Lorraine.

I am thankful for the lessons learned, for paths I have walked and a wonderful stepmom who taught me how to be a lady. Thank you Lorraine.



When eating out, I would look at the dessert menu first. If there was something that I wanted, then I’d have a light meal. And usually there was always a dessert waiting just for me.

I’ll have the small cup of French Onion soup for dinner, then for dessert I would like the Double Decadent Molten Chocolate Lava Cake with Vanilla Bean Ice Cream, whipped cream and a cherry, please.  It can be so easy to over-indulge in dessert. I can be a little too eager to get to the end, that I don’t consider the meal before dessert.

I find that I don’t want to wade through the mashed potatoes, sort out the green beans or carefully cut the meatloaf into bite sized pieces. Just toss it down the hatch so I can move onto dessert

When I skip the meat and potatoes and move straight to dessert, dessert isn’t all that filling. Often times I find that I’m still hungry and not completely satisfied with the choices I’ve made. Sometimes I feel sick and lacking substance. I need something else, something more. But when we nourish our physical body with a healthy balanced meal, dessert takes on a more satisfying roll.

. . At times I can be hasty with God’s word, wanting to get straight to His Blessings and Promises. God does not withhold His Blessings and Promises from us. But how much more satisfying and fulfilling they can be when we have fully committed ourselves to Him.

 Likewise, when we delight in God’s word, putting our trust and faith in Him wholeheartedly, the promises and blessings bestowed upon us are full and well rounded. The cup is overflowing, not half empty or half full.

Our house becomes a home, the beast becomes the family car and only two hours of sleep become a well-rested night.

PSALM 119:33-40
God, teach me lessons for living
so I can stay the course.
Give me insight so I can do what you tell me—
my whole life one long, obedient response.

Give me a bent for your words of wisdom,
and not for piling up loot.

Divert my eyes from toys and trinkets,
invigorate me on the pilgrim way.

Affirm your promises to me—
promises made to all who fear you.

Deflect the harsh words of my critics—
but what you say is always so good.
 See how hungry I am for your counsel;
preserve my life through your righteous ways!   


FOOD Day 3

I love the fall season. The temperature outside is perfect for opening the windows and letting the fall breeze flow through the house. The smell of fall is always welcome in my home. The air is so crisp and clean this time of year.

I especially like fall because I love to bake, filling our home with the sweet smell of apple pies, peanut butter and chocolate chip cookies, as well as different types of cakes.  There’s no mistaking the unforgettable aromas of fresh baked breads and cinnamon rolls.  

As a child, the kitchen was my favorite place to sit.  I remember sitting at my Mémères table, taking in all the different, distinct smells as she would cook and bake throughout the day. There was always something in the oven or on the stove, like French Meat Pie, homemade soups or pot roast, real chocolate chip cookies, walnut brownies or some kind of fruit pie. She would also bake fresh bread each day.

The years had taken their toll on my dear grandmother, one year as a gift she received a bread maker. It was never the same. But the memories linger of how I would to sit at her table and enjoy her company, taking in the sweet smell and the love she had to offer.

My Mémère is very special to me. She is rough around the edges, but so full of love. When I was fifteen, I had ‘run away’ from home. After two months of living with friends I was brought back by my father. Well,  one day we went to visit Mémère and Pépé and I was very afraid of what they would say to me.

When I had gotten out of the car, the first thing that reached me was the comforting aroma of something wonderful  in the kitchen. Bread! Oh, how I wanted a piece of homemade bread to ease my nerves.

Pepe met me in the foyer , I smiled and gave him a weak hug, I was uncertain if he was glad to see me. To my relief, he returned my hug and responded with, ‘So? I see you’re back from vacation. ‘       Mémère at that point ushered me in and sat me at the table, where in front of me was a big slice of bread and a jar of peanut butter. No words were needed.  For the first time I understood what mercy was about.

How does this all tie together? The two people I feared the most, were the two people that showed me the most love. Being a teen, and running away, those that I thought were the ‘closest’ to me were the ones that would not let you live it down. 

My Grandparents, who were the ones who would always tell it like it is, were the two that offered compassion and understanding. They knew that I understood and was repentful for what I had done. Their display of love and mercy are forever burned in my heart. I am grateful to them for distributing mercy and not the deserved punishment of ridicule and shame.

Their display of love, mercy and grace is an example, to me, of how Christ loves us.

Ephesians 2:3-5

King James Version (KJV)

3Among whom also we all had our conversation in times past in the lusts of our flesh, fulfilling the desires of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature the children of wrath, even as others.

4But God, who is rich in mercy, for his great love wherewith he loved us,

5Even when we were dead in sins, hath quickened us together with Christ, (by grace ye are saved;)

Ephesians 5:2
And walk in love, as Christ also hath loved us, and hath given himself for us an offering and a sacrifice to God for a sweetsmelling savour.


FOOD Day 2

When I was young I liked my popcorn plain. No salt, no butter. I didn’t like movie theatre popcorn, and when microwave popcorn came out, I didn’t like that either. Air popped or cooked in a pot of oil. That’s it. Nothing fancy, nothing complicated.

It was the same with most of the foods I ate, I preferred them plain. No need for salt, marinades, butter, cheese or ketchup. Plain old boring, as is food.

As I got older, and my experiences with food started to expand, I realized that salt isn’t such a bad thing. When salt is added to most foods it enhances the flavor. Whoever started cooking with salt first was brilliant. When you cook with it, it melds with the food.  The salt seeps into the very essence of the food. It’s amazingly yummy. Flavors seem to ‘pop’.  You go from bland food to ‘BAM’ food. Flavors come alive, food no longer is just for sustaining, but it’s now enjoyable. What a difference!

When I was younger, reading God’s word was similar to my experience with food. Sometimes God’s word simply sustained me, keeping me going. The truth carries me from one minute to the next, one valley and summit through the next valley. And as He would plant my feet on solid ground my appetite increased.
His word and his promises become sonnets to the spirit within me.  I crave more. Eager and hungry for what God has for me.  I find myself no longer satisfied with mere survival.  With each morsel brings rejuvenation, nourishment and strength.

Treasury of David             Psalm 34:8

O taste and see that the Lord is good: blessed is the man that puts his trust in him.

"O taste and see." You cannot see except by tasting for yourself; but if you taste you shall see, for your eyes will be enlightened.

"That the Lord is good." You can only know this really and personally by experience.

 "Blessed is the man that puts his trust in him." Faith is the soul's taste; they who test the Lord always find him good.



Can you relate?
This week I want to talk about the roll FOOD plays in our lives. Day 1


Let's face it, for most people the love of food is evident. Be honest. Here, this is what I'm trying to say...

When I woke up at 2 am from my Ibuprofen pm coma, my first thought was 'What's to eat?'.
Not, Man do I gotta pee!, or the piercing pain going through my right shoulder from the awkward position I slept in. It was food. The fridge.
Going through the contents of the fridge in my mind as I made my way downstairs. Milk. Definitely milk. . Cake........yeah. Double chocolate layered cake with fudge icing and a scoop of Vanilla Ice cream. Yup......nope. I didn't make cake. Shucks.
When I get downstairs I realize everything I want with my milk, I can't have. Cake, chocolate silk pie, Big Mac, Burger King, Dunkin' Donuts. Honestly, if it wasn't 2 am, I might have driven through a drive-thru somewhere.

Wake up odd hours in the night, alone. I'm hungry. So I mozie to the kitchen and open the fridge. I stare. And stare and stare and stare. Nothing. So I get the carton of milk out and pour a glass. But I don't put the milk back. Might need more. No sense in overexerting myself this early in the morning.
I start off with a couple Oreo's, which triggers the need to counter act the sugar with something salty. Chips. Chips and dip. More milk. Aha! There's chicken. Shove a piece in my mouth. Cold is ok, it's cooked.
I'm on a roll now.
Maybe a chicken sandwich. Get out the bread. Behind the bread is a can of mixed nuts, pop in a hand full.Where was I....mayo and the chicken. Some cranberry sauce on that would hit the spot. (another Oreo down the hatch.) Pour more milk to wash away the Oreo so I can taste the chicken sandwich. More mayo. Chicken sandwich , chips and dip with milk.
Now that's satisfying.
What a mess. As I clean up, another handful of nuts, fresh glass with Kool-Aid. ( I notice the milk is almost gone..........ooops,).
Kitchen's clean, I'm full and it's 2:17 am. It only took 17 minutes to consume a whole days worth of calories! Sheesh. Well, back to bed to sleep off this food coma.
When my alarm goes off at 5ish am, I feel like a beached whale! Put myself on the scale .........I've gained six pounds. Overnight! Seventeen minutes of food and I'm a cow! Well, I did eat like I had six stomachs last night.
Today, I'm buying lettuce!



When you think of the word invest, what comes to mind? Money? Stocks? Bonds? Retirement? College? Work? Renovations? Vacation?
There are so many things that come to mind. All of these things are for the future. So, investing for the future. Usually your own. That's not a bad thing. Saving money is hard to do in this economy.
If you're married, it takes two salaries to keep a home afloat these days. If you're single, it may take two jobs. We plan for our future, we plan for our child's future. Monetarily.
What about investing time? Investing money is to save money for a later purpose. But investing time is to spend now for a better tomorrow. Another persons tomorrow. Like your child, parent, grandparent, sibling, friend or even a stranger. Time is the most valuable thing we have. And we waste it.
Money doesn't grow on trees and time doesn't stand still. We spend money like we'll never run out and we treat time like it also won't run out. But they do.

I was thinking about my Mom today. About time. Did I spend enough time with her? Could I have spent more? How many people took time out of their every day lives to spend time with my Mom?
My Mom had ovarian cancer. She lived with it for ten years, and everything that went with it. The Chemo, Radiation, Atrophy. Ten years my Mom spent her time with cancer. Her life slowly fading. Not a welcome guest, and one that stayed way too long. She did not survive cancer, it ultimately took her life. Cancer used up the last ten years of her life. Her time was spent in pain, in darkness.
What I was thinking about was all the people that knew her. Friends, family, siblings, co-workers, bowling buddies. How many of them took the 'time' to call? Visit? Send a card? Mostly time to visit. In ten years, not many. Not as many as I would want to visit me if I were in the same situation.
Oh, I could have spent more time with her as well, I'm not innocent here. I live 700+ miles away, with young children. So I say I didn't always have the time. But when I did, I would be on the plane. I didn't only spend time with my Mom, but also with my younger siblings and step Dad.
When an illness hits home, it not only affects the person, but the people around her. My siblings who have relied on her all their lives. My Step Dad who has provided a home for her and has been by her side for years. They too are going through this. I wanted to spend time with them as well. To share not only my Moms burden but my families burden.

When I said not many people would visit, I'm serious. I can probably count on the tip of a toothpick the amount of family members that came to see her in her time of great need. My thoughts are, she never asked, so they didn't come. She was afraid of rejection. Afraid everyone is too busy to stop and spend time with her.

I called my Mom one day and asked if I could come home to help her out for a while. For as long as I could, a week maybe two. She started crying on the phone. She was so pleased and moved by my asking, I was shocked. I asked her why she was crying. My Mom responded,' I've been wanting to call you to ask you to come. But you have your own life, your own kids. You can't afford the time.' I was crushed.

This isn't the first time I've gone home to help in the past ten years. Numerous times I have spend hopping on a plane, sometimes for a two day stay. Sometimes longer. This time, I had been laid off from work, I had time and I wanted to spend it on the matters of back home.
(Honestly, I thought my Mom would straight out say no. She, at this point, didn't seem to want people around. Most times when I called, I talked to the answering machine. She'd listen to my messages but never return my call. So I would leave long messages of love and adoration. How much she means to me and how I miss her and that I'm praying for her.)

Gladly, I went home. I was there for a month. I would've stayed longer but there were issues on the home front with my children that I was needing to attend to. But in that period of time, I got to talk with my Mom.
I messaged her legs. They hurt so bad the pain caused by radiation it kept her up at night. I cleaned, with the help of my sisters, and rearranged and organized the house. Cleaning is one way to show my Mom love. If the house is clean and you put your things away, she knows you love her.
I also held her while she cried at night. This was hard. This is my Mom. She's always seemed so strong. I didn't know what she wanted me to do or say. So I held her and rocked her. I said what needed to be said. I love you. I am here because I love you.
She wept more.
Then, she asked me through her tears,' Why is this happening to me? What did I ever do?'
How do you answer such a question?? What did you do? Nothing. It's cancer. You can't possibly think that you're being punished. NO!!

Telling her gently that God loves her more than anyone in this world ever could. Jesus died for her, her particularly. For her pain and suffering, taking away her punishments for any wrongdoings any sin. That's love. He spent thirty years of His life for her. The ultimate love, the ultimate sacrifice. All of His time.
I couldn't answer all her questions. I couldn't relieve her of physical pain. I only hope that I could give her comfort in the remaining time she had. Comfort in the time we shared. It wasn't a lot of time, I wish it could have been more.

In the end, at her funeral, I couldn't keep track of the many people that said they wished they had spent more time with her.
Time doesn't stand still, not for you, not for me. Time is the most precious thing we could share with one an other and give to each other. My time is fruitless unless I share it.

I love you and miss you greatly Mom. One day I hope to see you again. Then, we'll have all the time there is. 

James 4:14
Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.

Where could your time be better invested?


How's your health?

Most of us have something that makes us feel better when we’re sick. Chicken noodle soup, for one. For me, it was Canada Dry Ginger Ale, room temperature. And of course cough drops and medicine.
Feeling better and getting better are two different things.  You can feel better but still feel sick.          You can be getting better but feel horrible.   The difference is a state of physical well-being and mental well-being.
The road to getting better is simple, you take your medicine and have your comfort foods and rest. You don’t see people bathing in soup, or soaking their tired, weary bones in ginger ale. They’re not sitting in their living room with twenty bottles of cough syrup in front of them, just looking at them and reading the directions.
That sounds silly, doesn’t it?
We know that we have to ingest the medication, not wear it and not be surrounded by it. Unless we take our daily dose with rest (physical well-being), and partake in something that brings us comfort (mental well-being), we will not get better.
Likewise with our spiritual well-being.  It’s seems to be easier to let our spiritual side get sick. Everyday we’re bombarded with worldly toxins. News, movies, gossip, innuendos, must haves and what about me attitudes. Being surrounded by the things of this world can easily and swiftly damage your spiritual well-being. But we must  MUST! be careful to nurture our spirit in the right way.
Often times we surround ourselves with church folk, have a sermon playing on the radio, Christian music, read thru our devotion and say a prayer throughout the day. But the act of doing these things, more often than not, give us the misleading sense of physical and mental well-being.
We must ingest God’s word, the sermons, the Christian music, devotions and give over completely to prayer.
Like medicine for our physical bodies, we must indulge in the word of God. Allow the salt and savor of the word to dance on our lips, coat our tongues and dwell in our mouths to taste the full flavor. Then swallow God’s word and let it flow throughout our bodies and minds. Giving it space to linger and be absorbed into our very being.
You see, being around medication will not make you whole. Just like surrounding ourselves with the ‘things’ that are Godly and spiritual will not nourish, provide or sustain us. We must consume, devour, feed on and be fed from God and his word on a daily basis to help maintain our spiritual health and walk.
Matthew 5:5
You're blessed when you've worked up a good appetite for God. He's food and drink in the best meal you'll ever eat.


It's not that bad. Or is it?

http://youtu.be/yLE8EY0gMX4   "We are the reason"

It was only a little lie. Maybe I embellished a bit, but that’s ok. Ok, I exaggerated, didn’t hurt anyone.

It was only a 5 cent piece of candy, it’s not like I robbed a bank or anything. He’ll never notice one pencil missing, he’s got so many.

I can look but I can’t touch. There’s no harm in looking at her/him, God created the human body and it’s beautiful.  We know what we’re doing, we’re two consenting adults.

Life would be so much easier without him. I wish she was the one that died in the car accident. I could strangle you right now! Go to hell! Damn you!

We’ve all heard these, and possibly said a few of them ourselves.

When is one sin greater than the other?  Each sin is sin, regardless of how big or how small. Sin in the sight of God is still sin. Be it a stolen pencil, an exaggerated story, a hateful word or an act of self-indulgence. Sin is sin.

SO? You haven’t committed adultery, or murdered. But if you’ve thought of either of these, then you’ve committed sin. The same as doing them.

Let’s not be foolish with the things of God. We may try to ease our own conscience by minimizing our sin, talking it down. In that case, we’re only fooling ourselves into a blatant lie.

God knows the hearts and minds of each man. You can’t ‘get away’ with it or ‘talk yourself out of it’. All man has sinned.( Romans 3:23  For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God)

1 John 1:9

The Message (MSG)

8-10If we claim that we're free of sin, we're only fooling ourselves. A claim like that is errant nonsense. On the other hand, if we admit our sins—make a clean breast of them—he won't let us down; he'll be true to himself. He'll forgive our sins and purge us of all wrongdoing. If we claim that we've never sinned, we out-and-out contradict God—make a liar out of him. A claim like that only shows off our ignorance of God.


Forgiveness is for the Undeserving...(PJP)

Matthew 18:21
21Then Peter came to Him and said, “Lord, how often shall my brother sin against me, and I forgive him? Up to seven times?”

... Peter asked the Lord how often he should forgive his brother. The Lord’s answer to him was simple: Up to 70 times seven times. (Matthew 18:22) In other words, all the time!

“Well, he does not deserve my forgiveness.”

Neither did you deserve God’s forgiveness.

There is not a single person alive or dead who did not break all 10 of God’s commandments. There is no such thing as a “partial sinner” or “great sinner”. All of us were great sinners when Jesus saved us. And when we realize that we are forgiven much, we will love much. (Luke 7:47)

“How can you say that I have broken all of God’s commandments? I have never committed adultery or murder.”

My friend, Jesus said, “If you lust after a woman in your heart, you have already committed adultery with her.” (Matthew 5:28) Therefore, if you have wished someone dead, or thought of killing someone, you have murdered.
That is God’s standard. Man looks outward, but God looks inward at the heart. Moreover, if you break one law, you are guilty of all. (James 2:10) So everyone has broken all of God’s commandments. Everyone is a great sinner.

Now, you are no longer a sinner if you have received Christ as your Savior. You are a new creation. But you were a great sinner and God forgave you your huge debt through the death of His Son.

So if someone has wronged you, tell yourself this: “I did not deserve God’s forgiveness, but He forgave me through Christ. So I forgive this person also.” If you say something like, “He does not deserve it,” it makes no sense. Forgiveness is not for people who deserve it. If they deserve anything, it is punishment. But forgiveness means that you extend grace — undeserved favor — like how God extends undeserved favor to you.

Beloved, if you choose to hold on to bitterness, no one suffers but you. You lose your peace, then possibly your health. It is just not worth it. God says to you, “Let go. Forgive them their debts, just as I have forgiven you yours.”

Colossians 3:12 (MSG) Forgive as quickly and completely as the God forgave you.
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    the one with the most toys wins.

    This was a popular saying growing up. Not only did the children in the neighborhood say this, so did their parents. Mine included. Toys consisted of anything from Match Box cars to nick knacks made of crystal. You remember the ones, in the Curio that you couldn't touch. Nor could you stand too close just in case you might trip and fall and smash the whole thing!
     For one relative it was his fish. I overfed them when I was young and yes, they died. No more toys for him, or me. :( I was grounded for a LONG time.
    When we get older our toys change from small objects to larger ones. Bank accounts become our fascination. How much money do we have? How much can we make? And what can we spend it on?
    Cars, boats, collectibles, electronics, gaming systems, and even clothes. You may not think 'clothing???' when you think toys. Today it's evident that we need these particular brand jeans or sneakers. And don't think of getting a crease in them. NO WAY!

    In my day, toys were meant to be played with. They would get soiled, worn and torn. You didn't put them behind glass shelving. My toys made 'mud pies' with me, and I would feed them too. What a mess.
    Games got broken, shoes got worn and jeans got torn. Cars were driven in the snow, rain and sleet. Boats went at high speeds and sometimes ran over buoys.

    One thing you'll notice, coffins don't come in all shapes and sizes. Can't take your glass curio with you. You're allowed one set of clothing and maybe a pair of shoes. But they won't stay on you long. Where you're going you're not going to need them. Not only that, you won't miss anything.

    O-over abundance of
    Y-'you don't need this
    S-stuff' stuff.
    1 Timothy 6:7
    For we brought nothing into this world, and it is certain we can carry nothing out.


    James 4:1
    [ Get Serious ] Where do you think all these appalling wars and quarrels come from? Do you think they just happen? Think again. They come about because you want your own way, and fight for it deep inside yourselves. You lust for what you don't have and are willing to kill to get it. You want what isn't yours and will risk violence to get your hands on it.

    Face it. Acting from a point of self leads to sin. Every time.



    Have you been sick? Struck down with illness?
    Have you been out of a job? Struggling to put food on the table?
    Have your friends forgotten you? Your family fed up with you?
    Ever wonder why? No matter how hard you try, the pit you’re in gets deeper and more ominous?
    Thoughts cross your mind? Who are you? What have you stood for? What will you leave behind?
    ... Have you lived your life one day to the next? Paycheck to paycheck? Emotion to emotion?
    Nothing to leave your children? Your spouse? Friends? What will they remember? A kind word or grumbling? Conversations or arguments? Words of love or words of sarcasm?
    1 Peter 2:11,21-25
    Friends , this world is not your home, so don't make yourselves cozy in it. Don't indulge your ego at the expense of your soul. ……. This is the kind of life you've been invited into, the kind of life Christ lived. He suffered everything that came his way so you would know that it could be done, and also know how to do it, step-by-step.

    He never did one thing wrong,
    Not once said anything amiss.
    They called him every name in the book and he said nothing back. He suffered in silence, content to let God set things right. He used his servant body to carry our sins to the Cross so we could be rid of sin, free to live the right way. His wounds became your healing. You were lost sheep with no idea who you were or where you were going. Now you're named and kept for good by the Shepherd of your souls.
    There’s nothing in this world worth passing on to your loved ones, except, the love of Christ. He died for you, in your place, with your name on his lips, with love for you in his heart. Why? So that you may know that there is a place for you in heaven with your heavenly father. He does not require you to suffer or labor for this position.
    All God asks is that you believe. Believe Jesus died in your place, so that you may live. Live! Today, accept him as your Savior, ask him to fill you with the Holy Spirit.
    Starting today, right now, leave a testimony for all to see and hear. Out of the deep, dark abyss, God had delivered you into light. His light.
    Die so that you may live your new life in Christ Jesus. Die to self, live for Christ.


    Are you ordinary or extraordinary?

    Regardless of your role, be it mother or father, architect or ditch digger, do you sometimes feel as though it's not enough? That you are ordinary, you don't make a difference? Questions come into your mind...am I invisible? Am I ordinary? Does what I do really matter?

    Is it what you do, how you do it, or in what spirit you do it in that makes the difference?
    For example: You are a movie ticket collector. You stand at the gate and collect ticket stubs from people as they enter the theatre. What can change this from an ordinary job to an extraordinary one?
    The spirit in which you 'do' your job. Yes, spirit.
    Are you glad in what you do? Grateful for the opportunity to not only collect a paycheck, but also to greet each patron? Are you seen with a frown or a smile? Glum or gladness? Are your words light-hearted or disgruntled?

    If at the heart of what we do, our day to day jobs or careers, is about us, then we are ordinary.
    If what we do is done in complete dependence upon the Father, it will be extraordinary.

    Colossians 1:29                                             The Message (MSG)

    26-29This mystery has been kept in the dark for a long time, but now it's out in the open. God wanted everyone, to know this rich and glorious secret inside and out, regardless of their background, regardless of their religious standing. The mystery in a nutshell is just this: Christ is in you, so therefore you can look forward to sharing in God's glory. It's that simple. That is the substance of our Message. We preach Christ, warning people not to add to the Message. We teach in a spirit of profound common sense so that we can bring each person to maturity. To be mature is to be basic. Christ! No more, no less. That's what I'm working so hard at day after day, year after year, doing my best with the energy God so generously gives me.


    John 4:23
    "It's who you are and the way you live that count before God. Your worship must engage your spirit in the pursuit of truth. That's the kind of people the Father is out looking for: those who are simply and honestly themselves before him in their worship. God is sheer being itself—Spirit. Those who worship him must do it out of their very being, their spirits, their true selves, in adoration."


    I bowed my head down, crying. With tears streaming down my face, I said to God, " God. I am alone."

    God placed his hand on my shoulder and said to me." Yes. You are alone, except for me. I am all you need. I am sufficient."

    Psalm 73:28
    But it is good for me to draw near to God;
    I have put my trust in the Lord GOD,
    That I may declare all Your works.

    About Me

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    Life. Life goes on whether you jump on board or not. It's like a big ship, either you stay on deck, learn to swim, grab a life jacket or become fish food. I choose to grab the life jacket. If I jump on board, then I will want to follow the crowd from fear of being tossed overboard. If I learn to swim, eventually I'll become tired and start to sink to my death. AND no one wants to be fish food!! Let's face it, after being in the water a while, you'll become all soggy and start to smell. And who's going to hand you a life jacket then? That shark that's circling you waiting for you to take your last breath and sink. SO.....I choose the life jacket. I can't do it all myself and I need help and sometimes I'm not strong enough to do it (life) on my own. So I'm going to grab my life preserver and not let go!