
Pure Drama

   I just got done watching 'Black Swan' with my Hubby. Having to admit that I am a Natalie Portman fan, this movie threw me off guard quite a bit. Honestly, I saw way too much of her body to do anyone any good. She's attractive and all, but the image I have of her  I don't want to see naked!
Nightmares are going to haunt me all night now.
She definitely needs a Double Quarter Pounder with Cheese and extra pickles!
   Natalie Portman.......played in V for Vendetta. Great movie. Love story/ action/ drama. Really good.
Then there's Mr. Magorium's Emporium. This is the role that I see Natalie Portman in. This is the image of her that I like! Sweet, innocent girl with a lot of talent that second guesses herself. Probably because I don't have a lot of talent........that means my first guess is always right. I suck!
   Might I add that the girl on girl scene in the movie was a bit awkward. Come on now, we're talking Natalie Portman here, not Christina Applegate. With my spouse next to me, I would've been more comfortable with a tampon stuck up my nose! Still, I'm not sure if Ms. Portman was enjoying her sexual encounter or was she in pain. One thing's for sure, she's one messed up chic. In the movie, that is.

   Honestly it was a very unpredictable movie. Again, quite messed up. Most of the time you're wondering if she actually did this or that. Was she imagining it? Was it her? Was it her over bearing mother? Also a psycho if you ask me. The whole movie revolves around perfection. I will say, it was perfectly played out.
  After a while, you start to feel Natalie's pain, frustration, anger, neglect. You feel her sorrow, worry. You want to slap her mother and kick the understudy. The one thing you don't feel in this movie is joy. Nope. If you're wanting something fuzzy and feel good, rent Yogi Bear. Black Swan isn't fuzzy.

If you watch it, and you like the complete DRAMA of this film, I have a suggestion for you. There's a French movie with Audrey Tautou.........it's called,'He Loves Me He Loves Me Not'.
Warning, it has subtitles. But it's a movie you won't forget. Honest!

  Good night.


JeLi said...

I would love some more followers. Maybe some suggestions on topics. Is there something I can help you out with. As you know, this is totally random stuff. Everything posted here is my opinion. It may not be right, it may not be wrong, but it is all mine.

pennyK said...

Not sure if I ever told you this, but Audrey Tautou is my favorite actress...and is closely followed by Natalie Portman. I'm much cooler if you ask me which actors are my favorite. (Johnny Depp and Nick Cage).

And I feel the same way you do about Black Swan. It was strange, made me feel sad and want to give poor Padme/Queen Amidala a cake. I watched it with my mother, which was FAR more uncomfortable than watching that scene with a husband. My mother almost fainted. Luckily she was already sitting down!

As for your blog, I think you're doing great! I found that It's tough to get followers. Heck, I had a handful of people reading mine, but only a few followers. Now I barely write...but you are providing me with the inspiration to get writing again! Love you Sister!

Anonymous said...

I look forward to seeing what comes from that vast mind of yours! Sometimes I think I know you and then ..... I do love your topics and I truly do love you. I think a fathers day topic, a house selling topic, a Is that God talking to me topic, adjusting to a blended family topic, why is it so hard to exercise and eat right,....... alright you dont have to do any of those just be yourself - thats what I love about by beautiful, adorable wife! Fill us all with your wisdom. You have an example to follow of a virtuous wife and mother in Psalm 31 - but like pastor said you have to be yourself first! Did I mention that I love you? Because I do!!!!

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Life. Life goes on whether you jump on board or not. It's like a big ship, either you stay on deck, learn to swim, grab a life jacket or become fish food. I choose to grab the life jacket. If I jump on board, then I will want to follow the crowd from fear of being tossed overboard. If I learn to swim, eventually I'll become tired and start to sink to my death. AND no one wants to be fish food!! Let's face it, after being in the water a while, you'll become all soggy and start to smell. And who's going to hand you a life jacket then? That shark that's circling you waiting for you to take your last breath and sink. SO.....I choose the life jacket. I can't do it all myself and I need help and sometimes I'm not strong enough to do it (life) on my own. So I'm going to grab my life preserver and not let go!